2010 - 2011 Season

Thanksgiving Hunt with Brother
Brother Jeff brings cousins Mitchell and His 10 year old son Easton.
Saw lots of deer driving around and a few while hunting. 
Easton did not get his deer, but I hope he had a great time.  We'll get them next year.
Mitchell gets his best buck with a bow at 7:05 am on Friday Nov 26, and I got my first with a muzzle loader two hours later.

First Whitetail of Season
Roger gets his first Deer


An Axis Adventure
April 25-27

With two long nights of hunting, 84 miles on the Polaris, 12 plugs, three cans of fix-a-flat, and a few 5 hour energy drinks, Lee Warmke and Myself, managed to shoot a few for the cooler.  Lee shoots the first four then it was my turn.  After deciding it was not going to be my night we headed back to the truck.  Less than 200 yards from the truck we spotted a heard.  This bull stopped and looked in our direction, giving me very little to shoot at.  I put the cross hairs of the Browning A-Bolt .300 on the white patch under his chin and squeezed the trigger.  150 Yard Shot in the adams-apple.  Field Dressed 160-180lbs.  32 1/2" main beam, 25" inside spread.